Entity Configuration

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The general format for PLC entity addressing is as follows:


       <STATION>:<REGTYPE>/<ADDR>[.<BIT>][;] ...


STATIONConfigured station, followed by a colon.
REGTYPERegister type possibly followed by a forward slash. The register type is case sensitive and must match the register type name of the selected data block. The symax driver accepts any register type name as it is effectively ignored in the communication protocol interaction. The Symax protocol views a PLC as a single contiguous address space hence there is no need for additional register type addressing. By convention a register type of "R" is used to identify Symax device register blocks.
ADDRAbsolute register address of the selected data block. The forward slash character "/" is optional and only required in the address to distinguish between register type and register address when the register type is suffixed with numeric characters.
BITOptional absolute bit index into the register (value 1 - 16). When omitted, and the type-attribute specifies a bit value, the bit value is taken from the attribute bit offset (value 0 - 15).


Semicolons separate each level of addressing. The later levels can assume information from the lower levels. You will need to specify a multi-level address when the entity type contains attributes from different register types.

For example:        STN1:R100;R23.6;R2


The level is used by the type-attribute as an offset, so it is counted from 0. In the above example R100 is level 0, R23 is level 1, and R2 is level 2. Level addressing can also form types whose attributes access different stations.

For example:        STN1:R4;R120;STN3:R12.1


Refer to the MacroView Engineering Manual for more information on entity addressing in PLC data sources.