Unix Startup

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For Unix based systems, modify the MacroView start script defined in the $MACRODIR/../system directory to include the driver in the standard startup. Multiple instances of the symax driver can be run concurrently as long as each driver instance is:

run on a different Symax ethernet network OR
assigned a unique Symax drop number on that ethernet network


An example of a symax start line is shown below. The command line parameters in the example can be augmented by any of the other parameters listed in the Command Line Parameters section.



../bin/symax SQD -device eth0 -debug -logfile ../logs/symax.log > /dev/null &



The driver must be started in a valid MACRODIR directory to access the configuration files.
The symax driver requires that the ethernet device used for communications is specified on the command line.
The data source name associated with the driver is specified as the first parameter.
To assist in engineering support, it is suggested that debugging information is active and is sent to a log file with a unique file name.
The driver executable is typically placed in the $MACRODIR/../bin directory.
Redirect all output of the driver to the null device so that your console does not have any driver log text sent to it.